As we all know by now, you never know what the future holds. Everything is unpredictable. Will there be a Lockdown 4.0? Who knows! But, we’d still like to tell you our thoughts on what we think for events in 2021.
Obviously, 2020 was a rollercoaster of a year for events with the majority of the industry being directly impacted by the dreaded C-word.
Luckily, we were able to shift with the dramatic changes by turning our hand to Virtual Event Delivery and we love it! It has been an amazing opportunity for us as a business to dive into the virtual world and we’ve delivered a number of incredibly successful events since doing so.
The prospect of delivering events virtually is really exciting for us. It has allowed us to be able to deliver more than one event in a single day, which we would never have been able to do before. In turn, giving us the opportunity to increase our capacity as an agency, which has been absolutely incredible during these difficult times. We can’t thank our clients enough for giving us this opportunity, we couldn’t have done it without them.
So, here’s what we think the event agenda in 2021 will look like:
- Virtual will lead the events industry this year.
As we’re all embracing this newly virtual world, everyone is having to make the shift to doing things online in one way or another. Last year, virtual events were increasingly emerging, and we think that will increase dramatically this year! The large-scale conferences that we’ve delivered virtually have blown up online as it allows our clients to gather people from all across the globe, which is a huge bonus!
- Events will still be virtual for the first 6 months of the year.
We think it’s very unlikely that we will see any large-scale face-to-face events return until at least Q3. But on the plus side, we have virtual events planned up until December this year with our clients! If you’re hoping to hold a face-to-face event this year but aren’t sure whether it’ll be able to go ahead, we suggest planning a virtual event as a backup if possible, just to be on the safe side!
- We will see more of a hybrid approach to events in Q3 and Q4.
When smaller face-to-face gatherings return, most will of these events will include virtual elements where the event is streamed online so that people can buy tickets to watch from home or the office. For those that can’t leave the office but really want to attend that conference that caught your eye, these hybrid events will be great for you as you can attend without leaving work!
- Things will substantially improve for the Events Industry as a whole.
Collectively as an industry, we’re becoming way more comfortable in being able to deliver virtual events. Although nothing will ever replace face-to-face, we believe that the new world of virtual events will be very well received this year and will continue to improve dramatically.
As an events organisation, if you haven’t already explored the virtual events world, we suggest that you do. You’re missing out! The opportunities available are endless!
Do you want to make the most out of event opportunities in 2021?
Download our 2021 Events Calendar! If you’re in a marketing or HR role, this is a great guide to help you decide how to align your internal and external comms with events happening across the world.
We give you simple tips such as when to:
– Get Creative!
– Get Organised!
– Get Social!
with those all-important dates.